Hello faithful readers. I need to apologize for neglecting my blogging duties.
Things have been very busy for me the last couple months.
I haven't given up. Alyssa's story line still exists and I have a little bit written.
I just need some push to make the time.
Joke of the week: tax rebates.
First thing I thought of was - How does increasing federal debt cure the disease,
which is: TOO MUCH DEBT?
They don't have any real money. They'd have to create more - exasperating the cancer.
Second thing - We'd only spend it on food and fuel anyway. How does that stimulate the economy?
Then my elementary economic mind came up with this: Even though our debt is the problem,
the real cause is the belief that government is our savior. In no way shape or form should the feds be setting interest rates. Those rates should be market driven - good supply and low demand should produce lower rates and vice-versa. You know the drill. Our federal government needs to stop borrowing money, period!!!!!!!
Which brings me to presidential candidates. With the possible exception of Ron Paul, is there any candidate, red or blue, who recognizes what the function of the central government is?
Seems like all the candidates are spouting what they would do for us - they should be saying what they are going to stop doing TO US!!!
They don't understand the root of the cancer; they just say things to get elected.
Here I am writing when I said I have no push or time.
Keep looking for the signs.
I'll get back to you.
To be continued.............. Mort