Wednesday, December 07, 2011

A Platform

Almost every candidate for elected office attempts to convince the electorate that they will make this or that happen when they are elected. This annoys me because our system of checks and balances prevents one person from running the show. Understand, the president may take some actions that are not subject to Congress's approval or the Supreme Court's judgment. Some of the items in this platform might fall into that category, but for the most part, they could only all be implemented by a dictator or emperor. Fortunately, we do not have one of those.....yet. Give the American people time, they might opt for one someday.
I did not put much thought into these actions, which would align me with the rest of the gang in Washington, D.C. Some of these actions are minuscule, but have meaningful results. Others are astronomical and would have catastrophic, dynamic shifts in the American way of life.
All, however, are designed to save the country. Here then, for your enjoyment and hopefully enlightenment, is the eleven point platform, presented in the Jay Leno top ten style. Would you vote for me if I espoused this platform?

The number eleven action to take to save the country is:
Stop the production of pennies, nickels and one dollar bills.
10. Eliminate upper limit on social security taxes.
9. Change income tax code to flat tax on all income and eliminate all deductions.
8. Eliminate political parties and change nomination process for president to popular vote by all the voters in a single day primary in July - top two vote getter's run off in November.
7. Make killing unborn infants murder.
6. Criminalize homosexual relations.
5. Eliminate Daylight Savings Time.
4. Get ethanol out of our gasoline.
3. Stop borrowing money.
2. Mandate all employees be paid their net pay (after tax deductions) in cash.

And the number one action to take to save the country is eliminate the Dept of Education and repeal all federal laws having anything to do with education. Our schools is where the lie is perpetuated.

I suppose there are a few more, but these are a good start.
I did not explain why these actions work. Ask me and I 'll try to respond.

Merry Christmas, Mort

Friday, September 09, 2011

save the post office

Five billion dollars. Were all our problems on that scale.
That is only 11.4 billion forever stamps. Everyone get out there and buy 38 (two books of forty) and the post office will have the money to meet their obligations. Check the math.
See, we actually can pay our own way instead of the feds having to always save us.
Warren Buffet alone could buy the stamps and distribute them to the poor. Kill three birds with one stone. Save the post office, support entitlement programs, and pay his "fair share".

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

bad news again

Hi - I get frustrated that I cannot get through to the powers that be, so I will just give it a try here.
Mitch McConnell's latest proposal to allow more borrowing should get him thrown out on his ear!!
One side says not borrowing will cause the collapse of the dollar. The other says borrowing will cause the collapse. Both sides could be right. My gut says the first choice will be less drawn out and painful. I believe the fix is to stop borrowing immediately - the fix cannot wait - it might be too late already. This, however, would require that Congress would have to possess courage and wisdom, scarce commodities in DC right now.
Question: I know it was mentioned in the past, but why isn't anyone suggesting that we eliminate the DEPT of ED and help cut spending by not wasting that money?
Answer: It is the socialists last bastion for controlling our children. Plato, in the "Republic" said the way to control society is to have control of the upbringing of the children. They know this and will hold out as long as they can to indoctrinate our children into believing that the federal government is supreme, that one must turn to the government whenever trouble comes, that the government is our only hope (not God), that homosexuality is not a sin, that killing babies before they are born is acceptable, etc. Getting them to abandon that hold on us would be a miracle. Pray for it.
I hope some Senators and Representatives see this.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Daylight Savings Time

Hello. Way too long since I posted, but energy savings are on my mind today.
March 13 we push the clocks ahead one hour to save energy. That raises many questions.
If we save energy by moving ahead one hour, if we move it ahead two hours, will we save twice as much?
If we save energy moving ahead, do we lose that energy in fall when we move it back?
If so, we should not move it back, leave it there and we will always save energy.
If we save energy moving ahead, why wait, the sooner we move the sooner we save.
My father could not wait to save energy so he moved his clock ahead February 13 - he's been saving energy a month longer than we will.
And if we would move the clock ahead one hour every month for two years, we would save a day's worth of energy. But then my birthday would be May 18th instead of the 17th, I think.
Some people credit Ben Franklin with the concept of DST. I always thought him a brilliant man. Now I'm beginning to wonder.
If he would have pushed his clocks ahead more often, he might still be alive today.
Okay, I should not knock him. Even though he started it, it takes a government to perpetuate a lie.
Enjoy your savings, while we still have them.