Hello. Way too long since I posted, but energy savings are on my mind today.
March 13 we push the clocks ahead one hour to save energy. That raises many questions.
If we save energy by moving ahead one hour, if we move it ahead two hours, will we save twice as much?
If we save energy moving ahead, do we lose that energy in fall when we move it back?
If so, we should not move it back, leave it there and we will always save energy.
If we save energy moving ahead, why wait, the sooner we move the sooner we save.
My father could not wait to save energy so he moved his clock ahead February 13 - he's been saving energy a month longer than we will.
And if we would move the clock ahead one hour every month for two years, we would save a day's worth of energy. But then my birthday would be May 18th instead of the 17th, I think.
Some people credit Ben Franklin with the concept of DST. I always thought him a brilliant man. Now I'm beginning to wonder.
If he would have pushed his clocks ahead more often, he might still be alive today.
Okay, I should not knock him. Even though he started it, it takes a government to perpetuate a lie.
Enjoy your savings, while we still have them.