Sunday, February 24, 2013

Listening for God

I know other blogs do, but I do not think I write many blogs that are on the personal side. Generally I present objectively, in the third person. Today I was led differently.
Our church is studying the book Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby. There are 12 weeks of sermons, retaught in Sunday School and Wednesday nights. In 2009, a smaller group of church members had taken the course; I being one of them, gets to teach it.
Early in the units, Blackaby asked us to give God our attention in order for him to speak to us. He suggested we take a half hour walk just to commune with him. Several people did, but I reported one Wednesday night that I had trouble doing that. Whenever I try to be alone with God, the things of the world come crashing into my mind - you know, the failing dollar, bills to pay, family/health issues, and promoting my book.
However, a week later, God nudged me to take the walk, despite the fact that I had not slept much the night before and had just settled onto the sofa for a necessary nap. At first I was distracted - it was muddy, was looking for deer tracks, scanning the horizon. Then I realized that I had to close my eyes to hear him. I stopped, closed my eyes, and almost instantly, not audible but clear as could be, I got the message, "Thank you."
It was cool for I realized I had done something that God had appreciated. I walked on and stopped again, eyes closed, then "Everything will be OK" was revealed. Then a few days later, not walking, but when concentrating more and actually listening for God to answer, this message came: "Keep on doing what you are doing."
God was telling me that my life, even with its troubles and my doubts, was proceeding the way He wanted it to.
Is yours?
Try to take the time to listen for God. The rewards will be outstanding and eternal.
