Hello everyone, long time no write.
Have a lot on my mind.
Have actually resumed Alyssa's story. I've been admonished by several wise people that I need to finish the story and get the information out there, before it's too late.
Find myself writing in the past now. When I started I was writing in the future. Well, maybe I still am?
Can't resist a couple comments on our current federal government.
1. Just writing this should get me on the White House list of dissenters - glad to be there with the other 200+ million Americans that believe in freedom.
2. The P.O.D. (Party of Deception, as opposed to the G.O.P.)) has to remember if they put all of us in internment camps, we will no longer be able to pay taxes.
3. Health care plan: None of Congress's business (with one exception-see #4), no constitutional mandate that Congress needs to take care of us, actually insults me that they believe we cannot take care of ourselves.
4. Exception - if Congress has done or is doing something to cause our health care crisis, then they should reverse what they are doing or have done wrong.
5. Our health care crisis is not bad or insufficient care - it's just a problem paying for it.
6. We have a problem paying for everything, and the cause of our economic dilemma is CONGRESS SPENDING MONEY THEY DO NOT HAVE!
7. The single best thing Congress can do to alleviate the crisis is stop spending more money than they bring in - more regulation or government intervention will only hurt not help.
8. P.O.D. might have played their hand too soon. They read the vote last fall as America's permission to advance their Marxist (a purer term than socialist or communist) agenda. They deceived enough voters, but can't keep up the deception. It should backfire.
9. If for some reason a health care reform package is passed, it MIGHT SAVE THE NATION.
Because every Congressperson who votes for it will become an immediate target for defeat in their next election which would possibly drastically change the philosophical make up of Congress resulting in some sense, both economically, morally, and idealogically returning to the federal government.
10. OR it's passage accompanied by the enormous tax increases that will probably follow and/or any move to confiscate our guns will certainly be the spark that will start the next revolution. We are ripe for it, but I HOPE IT NEVER HAPPENS!
11. A more peaceful revolution would be if we all stop paying our taxes. I'm not proposing this, but it is more likely to happen not by choice, but because we will not have the money to pay our taxes. However it becomes inevitable if the dollar fails. (Do I see the internment camp in my future for that one?)
12.What's with the town hall meetings? Congress has the ability to pass health care reform. They do not need our permission. We are not voting on it. Unless it is because they actually pay attention to and base their votes in the Capitol on public opinions and polls. Might be the case.
13. OR it is just business as usual for the party that deceived the voters in the first place. They thrive and survive on continuing to deceive us. Bad habits are hard to break.
14. Besides, it's a diversion - all this fuss about health care steals the limelight away from those things that are really important. The federal debt, Afghanistan, failing dollar, school systems that are indoctrinating our children with their beliefs, and failing morals come to mind.
15. And finally, remember their whole agenda is about control. Call it Orwellian if you wish, but it is meant to take control of our lives away from us and give it to our government. It is about CONTROL, CONTROL, CONTROL.
OK, enough said. Just hope I brought a little light into a pretty disconcerting point in the history of our nation.
I'll try to send something sooner next time, Mort
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