Some developments since the last post. Let me note that although I am touching on some personal reflections, it is not meant to be perceived as me reaching out for help, but more so to present the concepts in a way that will bring some objectivity to the discussion.
I reported earlier that I received three messages from God - "Thank you," "Everything will be OK,"
and "Keep on doing what you're doing." I determined the meaning of these three fairly easily. The next one is more perplexing.
Remember I believe God wanted me to make my story a book, and then He helped me get it published. When published, I told God that I would depend on Him to get people to read it if He willed it, figuring that was the purpose He had in mind. In business terms, that meant I wanted Him to market the book. Back then, I really had the idea that the task was God-sized and that only He could accomplish the daunting task. I thought it a simple matter for God - turn on a switch here, push a button there. God is all powerful - He could just make it happen. Agreeably in His time - regrettably, we do not always understand His time and so far, book distribution has been dismal.
Therefore, after beginning "Experiencing God" and recognizing I was to join God in His work, small hints about marketing started showing up. I took advantage of a publisher's newsletter listing sites where I could promote my book for free. Then, the opportunity to enter my book for an award was presented. Winning or being a finalist in its category would yield some free marketing and get my book on several lists. That however, would cost a few bucks to enter, which I would have to borrow, for funds are short right now. About that time, I received that third message, "Keep on doing what you're doing." So I thought God was directing me to pursue these activities.
Problem was I have been convicted for several years in my walk with the Lord, to avoid borrowing money, and even secular wisdom would concur I stick to that conviction. So I was tossing the idea back and forth when sometime later, while listening for God, the message, "Trust Me," came.
"Wow! Just what I needed!" was my initial response. Then the doubts started. Did God mean to forge ahead, borrow the money, and trust Him to provide the means to repay, OR did He mean to forget my miniscule, mortal plans to promote the book and trust Him to do the marketing as I first thought?
To complicate the dilemma, the book I entered into the contest would be donated to a library in the Los Angeles area - talk about promotion, but who knows?
I was advised to continue to pray, ask God for clearer direction, wait and listen for God to answer. Some times God's answer comes quickly, other times not, some times the answer is silence. Pray I can discern His message. I pray you all can pray, wait and listen for God as well and enjoy the fruits of His grace.
til next time, Mort
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